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Zobl S., Wilts B. D., Salvenmoser W., Pölt P, Gebeshuber I. C., Schwerte Th. (2020): Orientation-dependent reflection of structurally coloured butterflies, Biomimetics, 5(1), 5;

Zobl S. (2019): Bioinspired smart technical solutions, butterflies in the test, HLK, 8-9, WEKA Industrie Medien p. 74-75. (Article in German)


Zobl S. (Sept. 2019): Roadshow for schools contribution of four slots (1) Get known structural colours, (2) Bionics structural colours of butterflies, (3) Search for bio fluorescence with a blacklight lamp, (4) repellent effect and butterflies, financed by FFG, program Talents regional, Title: Smart Lux.


Zobl S. in coop. Schwerte Th., Ramalingam A. (2019): Exhibition Bionics, butterflies & more Botanical garden Innsbruck. Start: 6.6.2019 17:00


Zobl S. (2019): Campusdays, University Innsbruck Foyer Technik, Technikerstrasse 25a.

26.4.2019 (16:00-18:00) und 27.4.2019 10:00-18:00


Zobl S. (2019): Young University, University Innsbruck. 26.4.2019 8:00-14:00


Zobl S. (2018): Functional colours emerging from structures - nature shows us how? Workshop (guidance for prescientific work), University Innsbruck 9:00-11:00 28.09.2018.


Zobl S. (2018): Bionics structural colours "looking for structures. Long night of science, sponsored by FFG project "Schlaue Luxe - talente regional" in coorporatin with Klasse!Forschung, 13.4.2018.


Zobl S. (2018): structural colours in the focus of bionics. Between the art and life science. Wiesbaden, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. ISBN: 978-3-658-20802-8. only in German language!


Zobl S. (2018): Symposium Applications in Bionics - from invention to innovation, 1.2.-2.2.18, FH Kufstein university of applied science, Tyrol, lecture in: Bionics structural colours. Link folder.

Link article.


Zobl S. (2017): Structural colours in the focus Bionics between Life science and the art, Dissertation, Submission June 2017, Valued as excellent Sept. 2017, Academy of fine Arts Vienna, Institut of Technology. Supervisors: Prof. Schreiner, Prof. Gebeshuber, Prof. Schwerte.


Zobl S., Salvenmoser W., Schwerte T., Gebeshuber I.C. and Schreiner M. (2016) "Morpho peleides butterfly wing imprints as structural colour stamp", Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 11(1) 016006(17 pp). doi:10.1088/1748-3190/11/1/016006.



Zobl S., Salvenmoser W., Schwerte T., Gebeshuber I.C. and Schreiner M. (2016) "Bionic-Art: Multifunctionality of nanostructured butterfly wing surfaces", Poster P16-11, NANOPOSTER 2016 - 6th Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, April 11-17, 2016.


Zobl S. (2015): "Botanic Surprise champer", in Ausstellungskatalog Wiener Wunderkammer 2015, Technische uNIVERSITÄT wIEN; p 92 - 93. Exhibition (2015) "Botanische Wunderkammer", Wiener Wunderkammer "Whats next", Technische Universität Wien, 5.11 - 11.11. 2015.


Zobl S. (2015): "Structure and Colour", ARK Architektur, Raum, Konstruktion, STo 04/2015, S. 52 - 57.


Zobl S. (2015): Plant colours, Tourpart, Academy of fine Arts, Vienna, 23.1.2015.


Zobl S. (presentation & concept), Gebeshuber I.C. (concept) (2014) Art Installation @ Workshop "Tribology and Art", Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology AC2T research Ges.m.b.H., Wiener Neustadt, 12.09.2014.


Zobl S. (2014) "Bionic Art: "structure.makes.colours", in: Ausstellungskatalog Wiener Wunderkammer 2014, Technical University, Vienna, p. 20-21.


Exhibition: Zobl S., Schwerte T., Marx W., Gebeshuber I.C. and Schreiner M. (2014) "Bionic Art: Structure.makes.colours", Wiener Wunderkammer 2014, Technical University, Vienna, 31.3.-4.4.2014.


Razman A., Diah S.Z.M., Karman S., Zobl S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2013) "Metallic sheen without metals and colours without dies: Towards a new, sustainable way of resource management via nanostructural colours", Abstract for Poster P13-10, NANOPOSTER 2013 - 3rd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference, September 9-13, 2013.


Zobl S., Marx W., Schwerte T., Schreiner M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2012) "Bionic.Art - Structure.makes.Colors", Materials Today Virtual Conference: Nanotechnology, December 11-13, 2012


Zobl S., Gebeshuber I.C., Marx W., Schwerte T. and Schreiner M. (2012) "Bionic.Art - Structure.makes.Colors", P12-43, 2nd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference" on - The International NanoScience Community, 2012.  ** 2nd Prize in the Poster Competition! **


Zobl S., Gebeshuber I.C., Marx W., Schwerte T. and Schreiner M. (2012) "Bionic.Art - Structure.makes.Colors", "Winning hearts and minds", Critical Art Ensemble, documenta'13, Kassel, August 30, 2012.



Zobl S. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Survival of the fittest 2011?", Proceedings, Momentumkongress 2011, Hallstatt, Austria, October 27-30, 2011.


Zobl S., Matin T.R., Majlis B.Y., Schwerte T., Schreiner M. and Gebeshuber I.C. (2011) "Structural colors in the focus of nanoengineering and the arts: A survey on state-of-the art developments", Proc. 3rd European Conference on Tribology ECOTRIB Viennano '11, Vienna, Austria, 815-821, ISBN 978-3-901657-39-9.


Research fellow ship December 2011 für "structure.makes.colours" Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna (Akademie der bildenden Kuenste, Wien).


Start doctoral studies "biomimetic of structural colours between natural science und art" Prof. Schreiner Academy of fine Arts Vienna Institut of Science and Technology in Art



Previous publications in fish ecology and freshwater management


Schmutz, S., Zitek, A., Zobl, S., Jungwirth, M., Knopf, N., Kraus, E., Bauer, T. Kaufmann, T. (2002): Integrated approach to the conservation and restoration of Danube salmon, Hucho hucho, populations in Austria. Collares-Pereira, M.J., Cowx, I.G., Coelho, M.M. (Eds.), Freshwater Fish Conservation - Options for the Future, 157-171; Fishing News Book, Oxford; ISBN 0852382863.



Schmutz, S., Zitek, A., Zobl, S., Jungwirth, M., Knopf, N., Kraus, E., Bauer, T., Kaufmann, T. (2000): Living space of Danube salmon - Re-establishing metapopulation functionality
Proceedings, Int. Symp. Freshwater Fish Conservation - Options for the Future. 30.10.-5.11.2000, Albufeira, Portugal.



working skills

2018-2019    Project partner: diversity of research at the University of Innsbruck,

                       presented at the 350th anniversary, bionic zoology in cooperation with

                       Thorsten Schwerte and the botanical garden, technical support: Anil



2017-2019    FFG-project:Smart Lux, University Innsbruck, Institut of Zoology, temporary

                       part- time position, post-doc scientific employee.


2018              Technical assistant (temporary part-time position ), University Innsbruck,

                       Institut of Zoology.


2013-2018    lecture-assistant (cardiovasular system), Thorsten Schwerte,

                       University Innsbruck, Institut of Zoology.


2017              Plant colour workshop Regiopädagogik Center Krems


2017              Plant colour workshop & colour measurements society classes in research  

                       in coop. University Innsbruck


2016               Co-initiator "Bionic initial meeting", University Innsbruck


2016               Bionic Workshop: Structural colours, Technical University Vienna


2013/2016       Assistant by Prof. Schwerte, Institut Zoology, University Innsbruck

                      Periodic Lecture and Excercise in Bionics “Structural

                      colors" for the Biomimetic and Bio-cybernetic course


2016               Plant Colour Workshops: Art Krems, Papierwespe Vienna.


2015               Lectur: "Bionic: structural colours" grad.Conference, Academy of fine Arts, Vienna


2014               Long Night of Science, Art and Science exhibition of structural coloration, Technical  

                      University, Vienna, Austria.


11/2014           Children University "lecture and demonstration" in cooperation with Prof. Schwerte.


09/2014           Tribology & Art Workshop: Lecture, science and art demonstration in Structural colors,

                       Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology AC2T research Ges.m.b.H, Wr.

                       Neustadt,  Austria.


05/2014            Oral presentation “Bionics: Structural colors”, Institute Zoology, University Innsbruck,



2013                "Culture meets Nature" Highschool Kematen, Project sponsored by

                       Kulturkontakt Austria


 2013               Children University Innsbruck, Biomimetic, structural colors, Tyrol. 22.11.2013:  

   „Biomimetic – understanding of nature School of Education“.


11/2013             Lecturer in “Bionic-Art: Structural colors in science and art”,

                        Academy of fine Arts, Vienna, Austria.


11/2013             Co-initiator „Iridescent“ workshop, Academy of fine Arts, Vienna, Austria.

                        Invited artist: Franziska Schenk, University Birmingham.


2013-2014         Lecturer „Introduction in natural colors“ College, BRG in der Au, Innsbruck, Austria.


2013                 Workshop Plant Colors, Academy of fine Arts, Vienna, Austria.


2012/2013         Student advisory „Structural colors“, University Innsbruck,

                        Institute of Zoology, Austria.


2012                             Long Night of Science, Innsbruck, Austria. Oral presentation “Structure.makes.color  

                        How can the beauty of nature be transferred to innovative techniques?”. 28.04.2012.