You are welcome to send me your comments. Please, leave me a message with the date of the blog entry.
blog entry 12.11.2019
Today I show you a movie about insect flight (see movie insert above) in slow motion. You will learn something about wing beating frequencies and flight velocities of insects. Insects move
their wings so fast that the human eye can not recognize the individual wing beats. Dragonflies, for example, have a wingbeat frequency of 15-40 Hz, moth 200 Hz and Hymenoptera - comprising
flies, wasps, bumblebees and bees with asynchronous flight muscles - reach frequencies of over 400 Hz. However, butterflies with synchronous flight musculature show wing beat frequencies of 4 up
to 80 Hz. Well, the frequencies do not tell us the butterfly's velocity. The average speed of the butterflies shown in the film is about 2.2 m/s of the Caligo butterfly. The Morpho
butterfly with 2.6 m/s is faster. The Heliconius specimens reach 2.8 m/s and the monarch butterfly 3.8 m/s in comparison the Papilionids with 4.4 m/s is fastest*. I observed that the wing shape
of the Papilio type - with leaky tips and narrow forewings - as well as the movements of the front and hind wings vary species-dependent e.g. comparison of Papilio and Morpho. Further, the
aerodynamic orientation of the wings during the flight as well seems to be species-specific. These parameters probably cause different velocities and wing beat frequencies besides the
flight musculature, wing size or specimen weight. The slow-motion film clearly shows that the wingbeat frequency of the Papilio specimens as well as the Heliconius specimens is noticeably higher
than of the Morpho or the Caligo butterflies. The wingbeat frequency can be easily obtained by extracting the frames from the slow-motion videos and then the beats of the wings can be counted.
However, the slow-motion videos show very well that air is 'highly viscous' to the insect. The Butterfly's flight is similar to the human swimming movement in the water, although insects with
incredible wing beat frequencies. Watching the video I would really like to start right away sailing through the air like the Morpho butterfly skillfully shows us in the video.
Note: as nice as a visit for us humans is in the butterfly house, it can never offer a species-appropriate habitat. The species density is far too high. Furthermore, the butterflies can not slide
freely and therefore "push" on borders that do not exist in nature. Insects aim for the sun outside at any cost and while doing so some get caught in the protective net but some even make it
outside... Perhaps these are the reasons for the damages some of the butterfly wings in the video sequences show. (Attention, this is an unproven hypothesis).
* Velocities: 4.4 m / s for Papiloninae, Pierinae for 2.7 m / s, Danainae for 3.8 m / s, Heliconiinae for 2.8 m / s, Morphinae for 2.6 m / s, Nymphalinae 3.8 m / s and Satyrinae with 2.2 m / s.
These data are transferred to the specimens shown in the film. These data are from Dudley et al. (1998) see below.
Dudley, R. & Srygley, R.R. Flight Fhysiology of Neotropical Butterflies: Allometry of Airspeeds during Natural Free Flight. J. Exp. Biol. 191, 125–139 (1994).
Brodsky, A.K. (1994). The Evolution of Insect Flight. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wer keinen Zugang zu Brodsky's Buch hat kann diese Information auch bei Chapman (1998), Insect, Cambridge University books auf Seite 204 nachlesen.
blog entry 26.9.2019
Here is another video which shows an interesting food chain; at its top humans are. Not by feeding but causing environmental harm by toxic materials. Ground beetles are considered as valuable
animals in terms of ecology as well as ants, they have far-reaching influences on our ecosystem. Introducing insect killers into their habitat comes back to us like a boomerang and by the way,
what sense makes an outdoor application of those chemicals. It would be like dumping toxic waste in people's homes. But have a look at the film and make up your own mind. For more information on
the creation of this short film and the backgrounds please read the trailer of the film. Think first then act! - our ecosystem is a cycle and not a straight line .....
Interesting: Ground beetles pre-digest their food outside their bodies applying gastric juices to the prey.
blog entry 19.09.2019
As I promised you, I brought some videos from the South. Now I have prepared the first video for you.
Check it out right now or visit my channel. You liked it? then please leave me a like. <3 :-)
The film shows a mantis eating a wasp. The mantis hides in the yellow coloured laundry swinging in the wind. Insects are attracted by the yellow colour. The mantis is well camouflaged by the
grey-green shades of the material and the yellow colour invites the wasp. Bad luck for the wasp. After 20 minutes the wasp was eaten by the mantis. The two arms tightly clamp the victim. The
toothed sides of the mantis arms hindered the wasp to get out of the firm grip. The head is already nibbled but the wasp still slightly moves. Please, also notice the movements of the mantis
mouthparts while eating. The accurate scanning of the food. Be aware that the eating process itself, the chewing etc. of the insect can also have a contagious effect on humans ;-). After the
dinner, the insect cleaned its mouthparts with the toothed sides of his arms. The cleaning process was slow and deliberate and took at least 5 up to 10 minutes. Then the Mantis remained
motionless on the swinging laundry. The insect did not care about the proximity of the mobile phone camera so I tested its visual reaction. Therefore, several times I fastly moved my hands
in front of the insect. The movement was very close toward the insect head and body. The animal did not respond to it except once the head turned slowly to the left. Maybe my experiment was not
noticeable for the Mantis because i) the wind, ii) the meal requires a subsequent rest position afterwards or iii) the mantis feels comouflaged and therefore, rests motionless. I will keep my eye
on Mantis research and if I find some additional interesting news I will keep you informed about it. So please, visit my website or on my YouTube channel soon again. Also, there will be soon a
new movie about 'how a robber became a victim'. Curious? Details will follow soon on my website and my YouTube channel latest on in one-week :-). Did you like it? Please, give me some likes and
subscribe to my channel. Many thanks to you!
If you have any questions or suggestions please use the "post your comment" button below.
Interesting: Mantis sometimes eat their partners during mating due to their high protein requirements. According to the law of evolution It is not he individual that matters but the survival of the species.
blog entry 11.9.2019
Dear All, just spent five mornings in the botanical garden. Thanks also to the nice team! Currently, there are butterflies in one of their greenhouses. The University of Innsbruck at the
Institute of Zoology provided me with a slow-motion camera and I was able to immerse myself in the world of insects, which is so fast that we cannot perceive fractions of it. Air is for
butterflies like water for the fish. Skillfully they glide through the medium. In my YouTube video, you can see a collection of slow-motion shots of the Morpho butterfly. In the left-sided video
sequence with not quite as good quality, you can also observe the hatching process of a Morpho. You will find more information to this process on my blog entry from 9.4.2018 - please scroll
What was the motivation to observe the butterflies during hatch or flight? Well, two independent questions came up to me:
1. Do all species hatch in the same mode? Is it only the pumping process at the end like the tents with an inflatable rod (Quechua tents) which leads to the enormous increase or are there
additional folding mechanisms?
2. Is the angle-dependent structural colour relevant to the flight control of an insect, as the colour is strongly orientation-dependent in horizontal and vertical directions (parameters of the
Euler's cradle)?
With these questions, I went to the butterfly house. If you want to know my answers please, visit again my blog. I will keep you updated. Bye for now!
The colourful fish shown in the photo above is Thalassoma pavo which is quite common in the Mediterranean Sea. Usually, a male is ensnared by several females. Here, the male ensures the
brood care and invites the females to lay eggs in his cave. Unhappily, he shares his territory with other males, evidenced by his aggressive behaviour against them which I observed. But how he
produces these bright colours is not known yet in detail. I have been impressed by the colourfulness of this fish for years now but I will use a non-invasive method to examine the tissue without
having to compromise or kill the fish. Not only because I respect all organic life, but also it is necessary to fully understand the colouration. The living tissue shows the actual distances in
the nano range which is important for the explanation of structural colours. If structures contribute to the colour must be clarified in detail first. Certainly, pigments such as xanthophores,
melanins and carotenoids are involved too.
There are already a few publications about structural colours and fish. Guanine crystals arranged in platelets also containing hypoxanthines are in the fish skin. These platelets are stacked and
form a so-called multi-layer system of proteins in the cytoplasm. The different refractive index of the protein crystal (1.83) and the cytoplasm (1.34) is necessary to obtain the structural
colour effects as well as the right distance (~200 nm) between the platelets. Some fish species can move their platelets (neural) and thereby change their colouration effects. These are called
"mobile iridophores." Surely you are familiar with the term "fish-silver?" No, this is a pigment derived from the fish's skin consisting of guanine platelets, which was often used as an effect
colour about 100 years ago. The colours of living creatures in the water are an exciting topic snorkelling trips in the Mediterranean Sea may show. My research interest was awakened. Later
on, I'll tell you about the Octopus, its colour is just as intriguing as its behaviour. I could observe how the hunter was chased away by a fish company. ..? and brand new as well as shown for
the first time here on my blog and youtube flight videos in slow motion of butterflies, wasps and bees, so please stay tuned.
Oshima N. (2005): Light Reflection in Motile Iridophores of Fish in Structural Colours, in: Biological Systems, Kinoshita and Yoshioka, Osaka University Press, p 211-229.
Pfaff G. (2007): Technologie des Beschichtens, Spezielle Effektpigmente, Vincentz Verlag Hannover, p 232.
blog entry 20.08.2019
Dear reader, finally I had some time to take a break from everyday life in the North of Europe so I travelled to the South. Down there I discovered interesting things. Soon the information will be shown here in my blog. Like the video from a mantis eating a wasp in 20 minutes. Another video I made deals with a ground beetle first during a diner of ants finally serves itself as dinner for them. However, first I have to tune them before I can share them with you. So it keeps beeing exciting here in my blog. But most thrilling the snorkelling was. The diversity in the Mediterranean sea is still impressive, but it changed. There I observed the invasive crab Percnon gibbesi. During two weeks I wrote down a comprehensive specimen list of a coastal section in Greece which I right now digitalise. I thought a diversity list of the Mediterranean sea could be interesting? On research gate net a project is presented referring to the invasive specimen in the Mediterranean sea. I will ask them if they are interested in my list. I am very sorry, that I didn't bring my water camera to document the life in the sea I discovered. Anyhow, I will use images of the free foto pages (many thanks to these artists) to illustrate my observations. Please, visit my blog soon again I will report about my foundings. The two links below refer to the aliens emigrated in the Mediterranean sea. An increase in water temperature can lead to alterations of the specimen compilation; whether there will be a reduction in diversity only long term studies show (in my opinion). The specimen list I could make is large. The invasive crab I have already seen five years ago at the same coastal section. The population now counts about 50 individuums but only two of them are elder ones (very hairy, larger than the others, intense coloured). An area of some flat slab of rock nearby was totally naked 5 years ago, but this time the place was overgrown by Cystoseira sp., red algae, peacock's tail and much more other specimens...
Link to
blog entry 9.6.2019
Dear reader, I have just compiled a two-minute film based on some video material I made for my exhibition at the botanical garden and for other purposes. Hope you like it. Bionics a fantastic topic looking for functions in nature and their mechanical abstractions. Track one shows a simple fold system consisting of rigid and soft parts to wrap and unwrap things. Bad weather let the petals of Gentiana turning to a closed tube while at nice weather, the petals welcome you. You probably know these leather folding bags that open and close in the same way as the Gentiana flower does. The principle here is very simple and practical and found its way into a technical application all by itself - whether consciously or independently of nature is not of interest.
The second theme of the film shows water-repellent surfaces. Butterflies (also see blog entry 29.11.2018) show great effects. However, some surfaces tend to trap water like the leaves of the violets. Also, the film shows the water-repellent of the red rose petal which is not as strong as the butterfly wing.
The third part of the video deals with the angular dependence of structural colours. The sequence shows the scales of a Morpho peleides butterfly, the microstructure of the wing with the stiff tracheoles correspond well to the folds of the clothes that Michael Angelo once painted and ploughed into the marble stone. The membrane locates between the stiff trachea. On the entire wing (upper side and downside), are scales like shingles on a roof. These scales have a structure capable for the colouring of the butterfly. Marvelous colours pigments are not able to achieve. The colour occurs by the reflection of certain wavelengths of the light induced by the multipotent structures. Since the structures have different distances seen in longitudinal and transverse directions, the colour may change depending on the viewing angle. Angle dependence is a feature of structural colours that easily identifies them. About the latter, I'll soon report more. I wish you a nice holiday!
blog entry 4.6.2019
The latest news of my bionics corner show concrete cubes covered with diffraction gratings (see picture below on the left side with 4 cm side length and on the right side 10 cm side length) to evoke strong iridescence at certain angles of view. The applied method opens fantastic applications. At the moment I am planning a project in cooperation with an interested enterprise on multifunctional surface coating for concretes. As nature fulfils the lowest costs (energy) many functions at the same time I want to create surface structures which are able to provide low surface frictions, colours, UV- and heat-protection. No problem with the suitable structure of a butterfly. You want to get more knowledge about this topic than follow my blog. More information about this topic will come up soon.
blogentries are permanently changing check out the latest one now.....!
I am sure my English is not as perfect as yours. Please, excuse my errors...
blog entry 12.12.2018
in my blog entry on 28.11.2018 I have extensively reported about the "human gene editing referring to the twins in China" today there is new information about the topic on
Now they reported about some of the effects due to gene-editing: the delete of the gene may trigger other serious illnesses to the treated children e.g. multiple sclerosis.
and knowledge allows the doing of it....
updates to the topic
blog entry 8.12.18 18:41
Figures 1-3 : Drops of water (2.5 µl) each shown in cross-section on three different surfaces. Figure 1 above the surface is a butterfly wing. Figure 2 the surface in the middle is a butterfly wing after treatment with alcohol. Figure 3 the surface is an epoxy resin impression of the butterfly wing (Zobl et. al. 2016) which of is shown in figure 1.
The latest from my bionic corner are hydrophobics effects. An extremely exciting topic, who has not yet heard about the lotus effect? Today we are talking about water repellent surfaces. The function is easily explained: the question of whether something fastly gets wet by water or not is a technical need which is often required. Who wants his rain cover or a wound covering soaked through? A butterfly flies through the damp rainforest and gets wet? No, because the insect is almost impossible to moisten. The water pours off immediately. The drop hits the surface, but can not wet the surface. Therefore, the water reforms a drop which rolls over the surface, only irregularities can stop the drop. I was lucky when I took the photo shown in figure 1. Here a 2.5 µl water droplet stopped on the surface of the Morpho butterfly wing. The spherical shape is clerly visible, the surface is super-hydrophobic, it repels the water without any attachement to the surface. The photo in the middle shows the same sample after it has been treated with alcohol. Here, the applicated water drops have no perfect spherical form. The suface in figure 2 is not as effective anymore as it was in figure 1. According to the contact angle measurements, the angle in figure 1 is 143 ° in figure 2 107°. The washed-off waxes make the difference, The water still runs off but less effectively. Figure 3 below shows an imprint of the butterfly wing surface in epoxy resin. The surface here is even more effective then the one in figure 2 but still not as good as in figure 1. (The droplet on the left side is located on an epoxy resin area without impression. Here the contact angle is 46° which is not at all hydrophob but hydrophil).
The conclusion is if we want to design superhydrophobic surface we need a suitable structuring of micro- and nanostructures, whereby the material itself also must be water-repellent. Only both components together are able to be a super-hydrophobic surface, which is the biomimetic principle to transfer.
Welcome to the world of bionics....
If you want to make a replication of a butterfly wing surface I recommend the following article to you:
Zobl, S., Salvenmoser, W., Schwerte, T., Gebeshuber, I.C. & Schreiner, M. Erratum. Morpho peleides butterfly wing imprints as structural colour stamp (2016 Bioinspir. Biomim.11 016006). Bioinspir. Biomim. 11, 39601; 10.1088/1748-3190/11/3/039601 (2016).
blog entry 28.11.2018 22:17
Of course I write in my blog about it....the genetic manipulation keyword "gene twins"!
Here are the hard of facts of the live talk of the researcher Dr. He from the international
summit of genome editing which is placed at Honkong these days; listen to the 3rd session at the 2nd day, He talks about "Lulu and Nana, the twins. He genetically edited the blastcyte to
protect them of the HIV virus before implanting them into the mother. They were born last week and there is already another pregnancy. The twins' monitoring,
if their parents agree, should last until they reach the age of 18. His scientific lecture, was, as usual, filled with data, numbers and statistics. He started with mice, then he went over to the
monkey. Finally he worked on the human genome. During the subsequent questions, he reported that he was proud to work on this case and that he wants to help HIV infected people. He carried
out the investigation as part of his company, received no funding and all employees were volunteers. The donor parents are well-educated and he made sure they understood all the risks and were
sufficiently informed. Outside of his team, he found agreement with four other people in his science field for his work. He got feedback at conferences and also from one / more US scientists
(this statement was unclear to me). The consent at his Chinese university was first informal followed by a formal consent. Since he thanked his university, although he mentioned that the
university was not aware of his study and the study was located at his company he takes the responsibility for the study on his own and bears all costs. As part of the event, the summit committee
(14 people) present a letter in which they clearly cistance themselves from his actions and valued them as irresponsible. At the same time a petition with 100 signatures of scientists was
published similar in content. The date of the summit coincidentally happened at the same time as Dr. He preached his current founding which had not been previously known by the committee.
The experiment violates chinese law.
(link to Day II - Session III, start videosequence at 1:22). Please, make up your own mind!
If you want to know more about what I am discussing here afterwards, here is a link to a science article with the story happened and how the science community responded to it
Here are my thoughts to the current topic. In my blog entry (4.3.2017) I have already told you about the possibilities of CrispR/Cas9...well I did not mention a time period but I was thinking about ten years and more! but that implementations could start so fast has shocked me now! Everything human beings can do they will do.
Regulatories, agreements, state restrictions - does anybody still believe that the course of developements can still be stopped? Although, it would be important, but
in the meantime they become independent. This started long time ago with the decision what kind of research get funding. Health at any price! We do anything for the fight against HIV, but als against cancer or sickle cell anemia. The latest achievements were not really tested with field studies but methods and techniques have already been published! The individuals would be asked to consider this fact. But researchers are also human they want to gain power, money and especially recognition for their work. The ultimate goal is the Nobel Prize. On the long run there is only one rule: to survive each round until you are at the top. This is deeply human and has brought us progress. Rule violation in science is very common otherwise we would have no knowledge of the anatomy of man, the earth was not thought to be a sphere and the sun would not have been moved into the center.
If you have a look at the universities: the interpersonal behaviour, the financial system (please read the postings of the linked article to get an overview of the actual situation if you don't know it) you will understand why you cannot ask for morality in this working field. Financed by an economical system and politicians whereby both directions don't know much about morality and ethics. Someone who made it to the top had to abandon morality and ethics long time ago. Honesty and corectness are not the attributes that get you to the top. Does morality and ethical reasons build up the atomic bomb? The present case reported that the scientist have already left the university before he did the "genetic manipulation" as an excuse it is as ridiculous as saying "biohacking" does not affect us! Trained science people who run high tec scientific research in their garages - and we do not know what's beeing cocked in their kitchens, we do not have access to their data - same as with the company-bought researchers work on things that are under lock and key...and we do not know what they are doing, hopefully they do know it....
CrispR/Cas9 is so dangerous to me because once made and carried out, it is in hindsight no longer provable that it has happened at all and we don't now the impact by now. We could use the so called "genetic scissors" to infiltre the body and make genetic changes. Usable for infinite good but also for infinite bad - moreover there is an immense amount of capital to gain and recognition to receive.
Conclusion: what man/women can do he/she will do, because there will always be the one..... the one who want to gain money, power or recognitaion. Our curiosity made us reach for the stars. The first one will never be forgotten like Ammundsen. According to Warhol "he had his 15 minutes of fame" but what about the far-reaching implications that we may not be able to avoid, whether blessing or cursing......
The solution would be <<<<self-responsibility>>>> unfortunately this does not work <<<<punishement>>>??? Do we need an international tribunal of human rights, that responds to the actual incident, or is it the current pressure from science enough to build up a self regulation! Finally there is one question left to me: in what way the current incident of human experimentation is different from human experimentation happened at any time in history?.....who decides what is wrong or what is right and at which point life does really start? We, the mankind should decide about our genome, which is our most valuable software, and we should be thinking on consequences if it is not handled with care.....
blog entry 21.11.2018 18:36
Finally, I have some time to make the contribution on fluorescence in its quintessence as promised some days before - I hope you find it as well exciting like me when I first discovered it:
Image left side Eryphanis polyxena during daylight, on the right image it is illuminated with a UV lamp (395 nm). Look at the glooming eyes!
What a great effect and you can easily discover it by yourself. First search for some dead insects at window bars, swimming pools or somewhere else. Then illuminate them with a UV lamp. Some types will fastly show biofluorescence. I found it in tropical butterfly specimens. The complex eyes shine particularly effective in UV light (look at the pictures above)! After an intensive literature search, I learnt that this effect is already known and does not occur in the living animal, but only in the case of the dried species (like the one you see in the picture above). The effect is described to occur in the complex eyes of tropical butterflies. It is named "false fluorescence" because it does not occur in the living animal. But as a scientist doing bionics I do not care about this fact so much. The interesting thing to me is that if the animal is moistended the effect disappear again. This I will check in personal too. So assumed that this is a permanent reversible happening it could be an excellent sensor for moisture! But first of all, I have to get to the bottom of the underlying structure! Only if it is structurally based it is technically interesting to me.....there are already dyes indicating humidity by colour change but a structure in the nano range, would be something completely new?!....Of course we also now the structure based flip-flop effects in the visible range of Dynastes hercules, but sometimes we prefer signals only to be visible in the UV spectra of the light....
Recommended Literature:
Fluorescence in insects.
eds. V. L. Welch, E. van Hooijdonk, N. Intrater & J.-P. Vigneron (SPIE, 2012).
blog entry 13.11.2018
...soon I will write a new blogentry talking about biofluorescence....which generates great effects - and only low equipement is necessary if you would like to copy it!
blog entry 5.11.2018 11:27
Today, I doscovered something special (see image 1 to 3 below) like it always is if I take my time to look at nature..... I was just preparing some samples for an event dealing with the folding and enfolding of a buttefly (further information to that topic see blogentry 9.4.2018).
Anyhow, the images below show the reprint of Morpho sp. wings on transparent foils where only the wing veins are visible (if you want to know more about this technique please send me an email I will forward it to the inventor). Further, the superimposed wings exactly present the same form like the body of the insect. The trachea forms a net could be to protext the body? This impresses me a lot. The trachea are suitable to fly, great to distribute the oxygen and may provide protection to the body. The latter I hypothesize and I try to find out if someone has already investigated this question.
Nature is Number one in creativity to me - we human partizipate, we take modifications, yes sometimes we have great ideas but we will never have the last word.
blog entry 3.8.2018 10:05
supplement German page
The surface of the wings of a butterfly is known as superhydrophobic: water and dirt repellent - but what are the potentials of the surface in detail - I will examine this question here:
My latest experiment: how long can butterfly wings be immersed in the water without losing their superdydrphobic status? The left image shows a forewing of a Caligo memnon. The right image shows the wing in water from the tap since 4 days - how long it will be superhydrophobic? The thin silver layer is formed between wing and water and shows the hydrophobic property of the wing. But when will the rotting process start and the responsible structures will be destroyed? We will know it soon, I will blog the result soon here on this page - it remains exciting
Today it is more than a week and still it looks the same! (10.08.2018).
I will keep you updated with this experiment.
15.08.2018 the wing still shows the same superhydrophobic properties like on the first day. Unfortunately I have to stop the experiment now due to my own absence from the lab in the following two weeks. But meanwhile the results show, that the transfer of the structural components - to obtain superhydrophobic surfaces - is worthwhile.
also link to a similar demonstration (30 sec.)
Honey drips off like water (Caligo memnon wing + honey in fast motion)
Honey drips off like water (Caligo memnon wing + honey, in real time)
(no animals have been killed or harmed for this experiment: the butterfly died by natural cause)
Blog entry 9.4.2018 16:32
The forsythia sp. reminds me on the unfolding of a butterfly after hatchling.
The unfolding process seems to roll out organic material which in turn is filled with air and cell juices. Tension is build up till unfolding. The duration of the unfolding process may last from 3 up to 8 hours.
The hatchling of a Morpho sp. butterfly looks like inflating an air mattress. The tracheos are filled with air by passiv diffusion and are surrounded by a thin layer of cell juice. In detail the tube wall is surounded by a thin layer called haemocoel.
Growth that has reached its zenith after enfolding could induce the following reproduction phase.
butterflies unfolding theirselves
Blog entry 07.04.2018 13:34
The system
few people are on top of the system
some of them are elected
some of their positions are inherited
the ones who has the money, contacts or a succesful business idea
may slip into higher levels
below are a lot of players
above are less players
to be inside or outside
above or below
to be conform or to be an objector
it doesn't really matter
we build up the system
we are the system
Blog entry 13:00 28.02.2018
No bad idea "crowdfunding for science", but shouldn't have the society or the state kept their interest on a science developing independent from economy? To develop basic knowledge? Thus, science will be based solely on economical interests, the philosophic question will be lost, the cornerstones as well. Wasn't it Aristoteles speaking from the higher research as the philosophical ones beside the technical innovations which ones he determined just as lower research....fulfilling our needs but not our souls.
link to:
Blogentry 15:10, 05.02.2018
#...the good ones must come together, to make good things together to leave marks in a place where it seems that only capital and power is the only desirable aim to fulfill on earth!